So it our duty to pass it along to seven deserving blogs that inspire us.

Here are my top seven picks:
1. Carding with a :-) a creative blog for the aspiring card maker. I'm a fan of her cards, but then again I'm not biased at all ;)
2. Scrapping On The Side another crafty friend who has some great ideas.
3. Who Da Monkey always something witty and funny to say, i like your style.
4. Talida Bakes an inspiring cooking/baking blog with beautiful pictures by a friend, who has the heart of gold.
5. Monk Eyelids I love tea and someone has to enjoy it and share it with the world! Go Eliezer!
6. I Dream of Desserts as a staunch follower of her previous blog (Cupcake BakeShop), we hope that you continue making wonderful desserts.
7. Crumby Icing my personal "Ace of Cakes" chick who is not afraid to try something big and scary.
I hope you continue to blog, because I read you all religiously. If you guys received this award, please pass it on to 7 other bloggers.
If Pudgey and Belinda want to award others with this "I Love Your Blog" Award, feel free to give them out. Spread the love :)
Aw, you're so sweet! Thanks!
talida your blog is such an inspiration :) when is your next big catering gig?
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