Good morning, DYSU-ers! I'm back! Miss me? ;) I missed you! It's been a long haul here in New Jersey. Lots have been fixed, but there is still so much repair to be done.
Today I am showcasing some delicious Uniko Studio digital products.

Stamps: (Eclectic Summer Mix, English Country Garden) Uniko Studio
Paper: (Paper Basics Card Stock - Sweet Blush) Papertrey Ink
Ink: N/A
Embellishments: (Stamper's Select Vellum) Papertrey Ink; (Soft-core Color Pencils) Prismacolor; (Point 88) Stabilo; (Elf Chipboard Letters Stickers) American Crafts + Studio Calico; (Signo White) Uniball
I printed off this gorgeous butterfly on top of the Eclectic Summer Mix and colored it in with two mediums: color pencils and fine-tip pens. I was going for a stained glass but colorful polka-dotted butterfly. After all this is a rainbow challenge, and I thought the spirit of it all is to have as many colors as possible!
Since I didn't want the background's colors to fight with the butterfly I pulled some trusty vellum to help mute the colors. Brilliant, isn't it, what a little bit of opaque layering can do. I must remember this more often. And I bet one can mess around with monotonic themes quite well with vellum...note to self... but I digress...

Another quick element to tie this together was a little bit of faux white stitching along the vellum as well as putting together a quick sentiment with thickers.

That's all I have or you now. I'd like to invite you to hop on over to see the amazing creations by the rest of the DYSU team. Please leave them a loving comment, because they do appreciate some blog love :)
This week's sponsor:
* $20 Gift Certificate
*£15 gift certificate
Love your colourful butterfly and the vellum overlay really works well in muting the colours of the backing paper..
denise xx
It's great to see you back. Your butterfly is gorgeous Ren-Yi!
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